The Brothers of the Hampton Roads Alumni Chapter of Alpha Kappa Psi met at AJ Gators on Thursday, July 18th in Virginia Beach for a Brotherhood Happy Hour
The chapter hosted its Second Annual Cookout on May 19th at Mt. Trashmore in Virginia Beach, VA. It was great to see alumni and student brothers from area chapters! Check out our YouTube Channel for the video: HRAC . Photos are coming soon to both FaceBook and this site! The Hampton Roads Alumni Chapter of AKPsi had a great time today at the Lubo Wine Tasting Room in Virginia Beach to discuss the first three chapter of "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference" by Malcolm Gladwell. The Tipping Point is that magicmoment when an idea, trend orsocial behavior crosses a threshold,tips, and spreads like wildfire. Atwhat point does it become obviousthat something has reached a boilingpoint and is about to tip?
The possibility of sudden change isat the center of the idea of theTipping Point -- big changesoccurring as a result of small events. |
September 2014